Matt Hardy Claims Eddie Kingston Wants To Join The Hardy Party
Eddie Kingston wants to join The Hardy Party… according to Matt Hardy
Aug 7, 2023
Eddie Kingston is seemingly destined to be a lone wolf in professional wrestling, with Kingston’s volatile temper and strong moral code getting in the way of his relationships with his fellow pros.
However it seems as though Eddie Kingston wants to form an unlikely alliance with The Hardy Party… according to Matt Hardy anyway:
“We could put a bunch of guys together. I mean, we could do Broken Matt. We could do Brother Nero. We could do Oragasmic Isiah [Kassidy]. We can do Eccentric Ethan [Page]. Throw Danhausen in there. We can have him in there. We could have a five-man squad, swap in and out, and have Freebird rules," said Matt when asked about a potential Broken House trios team on the Extreme Life of Matt Hardy podcast.
Hardy continued, explaining how Kingston could fit into the equation:
“Well, the first person I'm gonna say and they if you listen to the show, you know this, if you don't, you probably don't, but I was gonna say Wardlow. I would love to do it with Wardlow, that would definitely be great. A person that I think would love to do a trios with myself and Jeff would be Eddie Kingston. Before he was leaving to go to Japan, he said, 'When I get back from this G1, can I be with you guys?' He said, 'I see what you guys are doing. You guys are always cooking. You're very creative. It's just easy. No bulls***. Can I be with you guys? Can I be part of The Hardy Party?' I love some Eddie Kingston, man."
Kingston has previously formed alliances with The Lucha Brothers and The Butcher & The Blade, and with Jon Moxley during his time in All Elite Wrestling.
H/T: Fightful