3 New International Talent Join WWE Performance Center
WWE adds more talent to the roster
Jul 2, 2021
Three new signings have reported to the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida.
WWE announced the signings of three prospective Superstars from Asia. They are Feicheng Wang, Sean Tan and Jie Yin.
Wang was trained by former WWE Performance Center coach Hartley Jackson as well as Japanese wrestler Alexander Otsuka. Wang is 6-foot-2 and 242 pounds.
WWE noted Sean Tan wrestled in Singapore as Trexxus. He is a former Singapore Pro Wrestling Southeast Asia Champion.
Jie Yin has experience in CrossFit and is a former champion indoor rower. She previously competed in the Asia CrossFit Championship and came second in the CrossFit China Open.
This is the first Performance Center class since April when WWE announced the signing of Sarray, Matty Wahlberg, Hideki Suzuki, Sanjana George, Jennifer Michell Cantu Iglesias and Steph De Lander.
Sarray has since wrestled on NXT against Zayda Ramier, Zoey Stark and Aliyah. Suzuki has been renamed Hachiman and he debuted as a member of Diamond Mine alongside Roderick Strong, Tyler Rust and Malcolm Bivens.